The Importance of Sunglasses in Prevent Cataracts

The Importance of Sunglasses in Prevent Cataracts

The Importance of Sunglasses in Prevent Cataracts

The Importance of Sunglasses in Prevent Cataracts

Prolonged exposure to sunlight can increase the risk of developing eye conditions, such as cataracts. Cataracts occur when a cloudy film develops over the eye lens, causing blurry vision and light sensitivity.

Sunglasses help to protect the eyes from harmful UV rays, reducing the risk of cataracts. June 27 is National Sunglasses Day and a good time to discuss the importance of sunglasses in preventing cataracts.


UV Radiation and Cataracts

A risk factor for developing cataracts is exposure to UV radiation. The radiation causes accumulation of oxidative damage to the eye lens. Damaging the lens proteins increases the likelihood of developing cataracts.

The risk is higher as people get older due to cumulative UV exposure. UV radiation affects age-related lens changes, which can cause cataracts. For those with cataracts, sunglasses can help to keep them from growing.

Sunglasses to Prevent Cataracts

Sunglasses do not treat cataracts, but they can help to reduce symptoms such as blurriness. UV-protective sunglasses can help to keep the eyes safe from harmful UV rays. These rays damage the proteins making up the eye lens leading to eye damage. The best sunglasses are those that block all UV rays.

Choosing the Best Sunglasses

For people with cataracts, sunlight can worsen the symptoms or side effects. Whether or not you have had cataract surgery, wear sunglasses whenever you go out. Many high-quality eyeglasses offer the best protection. Choose sunglasses with features such as:

  • Wraparound frames to keep light from entering through the sides of the eyes.
  • 99 to 100% protection against UVA and UVB rays.
  • Polarized lenses to reduce glare from shiny surfaces.
  • Anti-reflective lenses that help to reduce discomfort from bright light.
  • Blue-light filtering eyeglasses provide relief when using digital devices.

There are sunglass lenses designed to fit over prescription glasses. You can also get photochromic lenses that darken automatically when exposed to sunlight or UV radiation.


Getting Cataract Surgery

The only effective treatment for cataracts is surgery. If your vision worsens and it becomes difficult to perform daily tasks, your eye doctor will recommend surgery. When prescription glasses do not help, removing the cataracts is the only option.

Eye specialists implant a new artificial lens to replace the cloudy one. After surgery, you should continue to wear sunglasses to protect your eyes and prevent further damage. Talk to your doctor about the best sunglasses features, depending on your lifestyle and medical condition.


High Quality/Branded Sunglasses

With many types of sunglasses in the market, it may be hard to choose the right brand. Always choose high-quality sunglasses to get the best protection. Branded sunglasses may cost more, but they are worth the investment to protect your eye health.

They can help fight cataracts. Check for UV certifications or labels, and consider the lens size, color, and material when choosing.

As you celebrate National Sunglasses Day, it is a good time to get yourself a new pair of UV-protective sunglasses.

For more on the importance of sunglasses in preventing cataracts, visit 20/20 EyeVenue. Our offices are in Westminster and Strasburg, Colorado. Call (720) 740-0400 to book an appointment today.

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